Welcome to My Portfolio

Hi my name is Abdul and I build and document robots on my YouTube channel. This website is meant to show a brief look into my work in robotics and control systems.

Quadrupedal Robots

Quadrupedal robot V3

This is a robot that I have built recently and it utilizes 8 Metal geared servos and an Arduino Nano as the microcontroller.


There is a 7.2 volt 4 amp power supply for the motors and a 5 volt power supply for the micro controller.

Quadrupedal robot v2

This is also a Quadrupedal robot that uses 8 servo motors however these servo's are plastic geared micro servos.


This robot also has an ultrasonic sensor which determines the distance between the robot and any obstacles coming its way using an equation that I programmed into the code.

Quadrupedal Robot V1

This was my first successful attempt at building a quadrupedal robot. 

This one uses 12 micro servos and an Arduino Nano.


I used parts of Legos in order to make a support for the base of the robot.

PS2 controlled and self driving cars

PS2 controlled car

I built this robot as a test to see if I could control 4 motors separately in order to use a mechanum drive train for the car. This proved to be a success and i began working on other cars.

PS2 controlled car V2

This robot was a major challenge for me because I decided to use heavy duty motors which required more voltage.


This robot also became a success and therefore landed a place on my Youtube channel.

Obstacle avoiding car

This car is one that built after getting into sensors. I find distance sensors fascinating and I wanted to learn how they worked and this car worked perfectly. 

PS2 controlled car with servos

This was my final dc motor based car with Arduino, this was also my most complex version yet! I utilized aspects of all my previous cars in order to create this one. It uses a Ps2 controller to move and has a mechanum drive which means it's omni directional. This robot also uses 6 servo motors, 4 of which raise the dc motors to make the robot change levels and the other 2 are used as pinchers to pick up objects.

The Hexapod

During my time building robots I only ever made one successful Hexapod and the reason to that is unreliable servo motors and the amount of 3d printing required. This robot used 18 servos and an Arduino mega with a shield for the servos to reduce the amount of wiring.

The Prosthetic Leg

Here is a prosthetic leg I built using 4 dc motors. It has 2 dc motors as the hip joint and 2 for the knee. I was inspired to built this prosthetic because of a teacher I had in grade 11 who suffered from cerebral palsy which affected his left leg and caused him to walk with a limp.


This robot uses an Arduino uno and 4 push buttons for calibration.


Computer aided design (CAD) projects 

These three images are from the same project. I wanted to test out the things I could make through Fusion360 and I got carried away and decided to build a 3d view of one of my old school. Using Fusion 360 came surprisingly easy to me and once I got used to it I began building all the parts for my robots in Fusion 360.

Other robots and projects

This is a robotic arm I built to move small objects from one place to another. This was also the first time I experimented with inverse kinematics. 

This was one of my only quadrupedal robots that I built with an IR control.

This is a machine that detects different levels of water or any substance. this can be useful for many real life applications.

Here is an automatic garage that sense the presence of a car approaching it with the use of an ultrasonic sensor.

This was my first "machine" type robot. It is a banana cutting machine that uses 4 DC motors. I built this as a prototype due to covid-19. It provides a hands free fruit cutting experience which gives the user clean pieces of fruit.

This is a CNC drawing Machine that I built once I became more experienced with Arduino and stepper motors. it makes small shapes and drawings once they are programmed into the software.

Motor bikes and go carts

These are both projects that I worked on with my brother who is currently in his second year of university studying mechanical engineering. During the process of building these I learned how to weld in most ways and I also learned a lot about engines and how they work.

All my other projects (Pictures)

FTC and Peel skills robots